EZI-Lockodour is a brand that provides cat litter boxes and cat litter pellets, designed with a Dual Layer Litter System to make cleaning the litter box a breeze. Eliminates cat litter odour before they can spread through your home. 

Odour control and clean-up are easy with this two-layer system. The dual-layer pellets and pad design ensure that liquid is absorbed and locked away for an odour-free home. 99% dust-free, Ezi-LockOdour Dual Layer Litter System uses special zeolite minerals which dehydrate liquid onto an absorbent pad below while also holding in odours.

Whether you use an open-type litter box or hooded type as long as you have absorbent pads and zeolite pellets, you can never go wrong. For more of these cat litter pellets, and pet clean-up accessories, be sure to check Petso Au for more info!

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