Collection: DRONTAL

Prevent and control gastrointestinal worms and tapeworms in the convenience of your home!

Our pets are completely helpless against gastrointestinal worms that constantly prey on their stomach. It causes severe discomfort, vomiting, weight loss, anaemia, and digestive problems that can lead to malnutrition if left untreated. They prey on our cats and dogs and may even cause illness for us humans as some parasites are "zoonotic" meaning we can be infected!

Preventive measures must be taken and constantly monitored so these pesky parasites may not live in our pets, including in our homes. If you are a new pet owner and constantly ask, how do you deworm pets at home? Drontal Allwormer Deworming Product can be used!

Drontal dog deworming and cat deworming products prevent and kill 2 types of roundworms (Toxocara canis & Toxacaris leonine), 4 types of hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense, Ancylostoma ceylanicum, & Uncinaria stenocephala), whipworm (Trichuris vulpis), 5 types of tapeworm (hydatid tapeworm, common flea tapeworm, Taenia spp. Taenia ovis, T. pisiformis, & T. hydatigena) and help control the shedding of oocysts of the protozoan Giardia spp. Just a heads up, heartworm and lungworms cannot be disposed of by Drontal, but may be combined with another flea, tick, and heartworm treatments. You can ask your veterinarian for the proper dosage and a combination of medication to completely wipe these pesky parasites out of your pet's world!

Cat Deworming by Drontal may be given to all cats while Dog Deworming products are not recommended for dogs in the 1st or 2nd stage of pregnancy. If they really need it, it is always smart to reach out to your Veterinarian for advice and proper medication!

Be wary hooman and don't let your pets suffer. Prevent and control today! Petso Au has a wide variety of Drontal Allwormer products you can check to suit their needs!

6 products